Hard Hat Optional

Hard Hat Optional

Bruno David Gallery, Saint Louis | 2009

The installation realizes a place of interdependence between the human body and architecture, where the exchanging forces and tensions of construction, deterioration, and restoration emerge as thematic possibilities. The exhibit emphasizes indeterminacy and the transformation of place. Varied arrangements of sculpture invite viewers to question whether the site is in a process of construction or deconstruction; to navigate around lumber support structures, folds of architectural skin and precarious stacks of flesh-like blocks. As Andrea Ferber writes in the exhibit catalogue, “Each object in this installation brings its own unique dialogue of textures, volume, shape and possible referent to the conversation in and about space.”


74 page fully illustrated color catalogue of Jill Downen’s exhibition at Bruno David Gallery. Essay by Andrea L. Ferber.

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Jill Downen at Bruno David

By David Bonetti, Post-Dispatch Visual Arts Critic

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