

The Oklahoma City Museum of Art | 2011

“Crossing the threshold to…Counterparts we find ourselves in the midst of a site of (p)art objects, a site of wonder that poses questions:  How are we to organize this experience?  How are we to use our imagination?  The parts of a human form may be suggestive of a body to be, a habitat to house our mind, or it may be experienced as a whole that has disintegrated into fragments, dispersed and scattered across the floor.  The site does not tell a story, but opens a space for us to assemble our own stories, build our own dwellings, dream our selves into being.”  Britt-Marie Schiller, Professor of Philosophy at Webster University, from the exhibition catalogue.

Jill Downen: Counterparts

Interview by Jennifer Klos, featured in Connect, a publication of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art

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error: © 2003-2020 Jill Downen